Applying for an oral presentation:
To submit an oral presentation, it is necessary to provide an abstract of the presentation. One certain abstract can be submitted for only one certain report (oral, poster or Contest of scientific research of young scientists and students). An application for an oral presentation should be submitted online via registration site, by attaching a file with abstracts in the corresponding window of the registration form.
The decision to include the oral presentation in the scientific program will be made by the Congress Program Committee on the basis of an assessment by reviewers no later than 1 April, 2020. The final scientific programme will be available online on
Technical information:
Oral presentations will be provided online at the relevant sections of the scientific program of the Congress.
Presentation of oral report should be performed in PPT, PPTX or PDF formats. 1 video in mp4 format can be mounted in a presentation slide.
In case of presenting author changes, please, inform about to the presentation service prior to the beginning of the section meeting.
The presentation service does not authorized transmit the presentations of the speakers to other participants of the congress.