Dear colleagues, we are pleased to invite you to the congress!
Hybrid – online and offline (according to the epidemiological situation)
North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov
(Saint Petersburg, Kirochnaya str. 41)
Main topics of the Congress:
- Training of a medical microbiologist at the present stage.
- A new standard for equipping a microbiological laboratory in the context of the development of diagnostic technologies.
- Antimicrobial resistance: priority pathogens, detection methods, new antimicrobial agents.
- Best practices in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases.
- Microbiological monitoring during the pandemic of COVID-19. The role of clinical and sanitaryhealth microbiology in infection control.
- Medical mycology 2022: mycoses, fungal allergy, mycotoxicoses.
- Immunology of COVID-19.
- Mycoses in patients withCOVID-19.
- Innovative methods of treatment of chronic dermatoses.
- Bacterial, viral, mycotic and parasitic diseases of skin and mucous membranes.
- New clinical guidelines, sanitary rules and regulations.
- The role of the microbiota in infectious and non-infectious diseases.
- Practical genomics, proteomics and metabolomics.
- Advances in the study of bacteriobiome, virome, mycobiome and parasitome.
- Microorganisms – biodestructors of buildings, structures, constructions and their impact on human health.
- Experimental microbiology.
The Congress includes:
• IX Russian-Chinese conference on medical microbiology, immunology and pharmacology (in cooperation with the Association of Sino-Russian Medical Universities);§ Meeting of the Federal Teaching Methodological Association (FTMA) «Health Sciences and Preventive Medicine»; section on medical microbiology;§ Conference on medical microbiology;§ Conference on dermatology and venereology. Session of the Head Specialist in dermatology, venereology and cosmetology of the St. Petersburg Government Health Committee;§ Conference on clinical mycology, immunology and allergy;§ Expert meeting of the Head specialist for clinical microbiology and antimicrobial resistance of North-Western Federal Region of the Russian Federation;§ The Contest of scientific research of young scientists and students.
Scientific organizers of the congress:
- Ministry of Health of Russian Federation
- Association of Sino-Russian Medical Universities
- North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov
- Harbin Medical University
- Kashkin Research Institute of Medical Mycology
- All-Russian Scientific and Practical Society of Epidemiologists, Microbiologists and Parasitologists
- International Public Organization «Euro-Asian Society for Infectious Diseases»
- Federal Educational and Methodical Association of Higher Education «Health Sciences and Preventive Medicine»
- Pediatric Research and Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases
- The Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductology named after D.O. Ott
- Institute of Experimental Medicine
- Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza
- Public Health Committee of the Government of Saint-Petersburg
Documentation of educational activities will be submitted to the Commission on the Evaluation of Training Activities and Materials for continuing medical and pharmaceutical education (CME).
SUBMISSION deadlines:
• Oral presentation or poster |
completed |
The decision to include the oral presentation or poster in the scientific program will be made by the Congress Program Committee on the basis of an assessment by reviewers no later than 20 April, 2022 |
• Abstracts |
completed |
Abstracts will be published in the journal «Problems in Medical Mycology» (included in the List of leading reviewed scientific journals and editions and Russian Science Citation Index). Fee for posting abstracts in the journal is 500 Russian rubles (without fee – students, residents, postgraduate students and participants of the Contest of scientific research of young scientists and students).. |
• Contest of scientific research of young scientists and students |
completed |
• Admission to all scientific sessions |
May 31, 2022 |