russian version

Dear colleagues!

Registration is available via PERSONAL ACCOUNT of the educational portal of North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov. By creating a personal account on the portal you can receive information about ongoing events, continuing medical education (including applying for education).

If you have already created a Personal Account on the educational portal of the North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, enter your password and login, and then click "Sign in".

If you have forgotten your password, click "Forgot your password?" and it will be sent to you by e-mail specified during registration.

If you do not have a Personal Account on the Portal, click "Create your account".

There are 4 steps in the Registration Form, only after filling out the previous step, the “Forward” button at the bottom of the page becomes active, and you proceed to the next step.

Your Registration Form for the Kashkin’s Readings will be editable and saved as a draft until you click the "Send" button.

Only after that it will get to the Organizing Committee for processing!

All subsequent emergency changes are possible only after contacting the Organizing Committee.

Abstracts are sent by attaching a file with abstracts in the corresponding window of the registration form (other forms of sending abstracts are not provided).

Guideline for registration and submission of abstracts are available here >>>.

