The preliminary program of the congress is posted on the website>>>
The distribution of notifications on applications for the abstracts publication has been completed.
Dear colleagues! The acceptance of applications for poster reports and the competition of scientific papers of young scientists and students has been completed.
Change of venue in full–time format meetings.
In its anniversary year, the congress in full–time format will be held at the Alma Mater of Kashkin Readings - I.I. Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University (St. Petersburg, Kirochnaya str., 41).
Dear colleagues! The acceptance of applications for oral reports and the abstracts publication has been completed.
The updated deadline for submitting applications for poster reports and the competition of scientific works of young scientists and students is March 31, 2022 (inclusive).
Dear colleagues! In connection with the appeals received by the organizing committee, it was decided to extend for three days the period for accepting applications for reports and abstracts publication. The updated deadline for submitting applications is March 03, 2022 (inclusive).
Registration is open >>> for the All-Russian Congress on Medical Microbiology, Clinical Mycology and Immunology (XXV Kashkin Readings).
The All-Russian Congress on Medical Microbiology, Clinical Mycology and Immunology (XXV Kashkin Readings) is included in the Plan of Scientific and Practical activities of the Ministry of Health of Russia for 2022 >>> (Order No. 1216 of December 30, 2021, Appendix to the order, item 55).