Applying for poster presentation:

To submit poster presentation, it is necessary to provide an abstract of the presentation. One certain abstract can be submitted for only one certain report (oral, poster or Contest of scientific research of young scientists and students).  An application for an oral presentation should be submitted online via registration site, by attaching a file with abstracts in the corresponding window of the registration form.

Posters presentations that have been scientifically reviewed will be presented at the Congress Poster Session. 

Technical information:

  • a file submission form:  ppt/pptx (Power Point),  file name:«Poster_session_Surname (of the first co-author)_City_Country»
  • design: portrait orientation (840х530 mm); margins: 40 mm from each side;background of the poster –  light; the color of the text – dark; Figures and graphs should be in color.
  • content (all texts should be in English or in Russian):
  • poster number(the block in the top left corner): will be assigned by the Organizing Committee; information about the individual poster number will be sent to each participant by e-mail
  • title (the top central block): the text must be formatted no less than font size 70; author’s surname and name; co-author’s surname and name, institution, city, country should be in Russian and in English
  • introduction:a font size is no less than 24 point;
  • aim:a font size is no less than 24 point;
  • materials and methods:a font size is no less than 24 point;
  • results:a font size is no less than 24 point; preferable is to be provided as figures (pictures, graphs, diagrams, tables);
  • conclusions:a font size is no less than 24 point;
  • references:a font size is no less than 24 point; no more than 3-4 sources
  • figures(pictures, graphs, diagrams, tables):  should be no less than A5 size (150 х 200 mm); figures legend and text should be no less than 20 point

To design a poster, you can use the template 

Deadline for poster presentation application – 1 March, 2020