russian version

On June 7, an online broadcast from the Concert Hall will be available


Dear colleagues, we are pleased to invite you to the congress!

Format: offline.

Venue: Hotel “Saint Petersburg”, 5/2, Pirogovskaya Embankment, Saint Petersburg, Russia.


Main topics of the Congress:

  1. Medical microbiologist training at the present stage
  2. WHO fungal and bacterial priority pathogens list
  3. Antimicrobial resistance of bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa
  4. Medical mycology 2023: mycoses, fungal allergy and mycotoxicoses
  5. Vaccine-preventable infections: the role of microbiological observation in the development of vaccine-prophylactic strategy
  6. Healthcare-associated infections
  7. Best practices in prophylaxis, diagnosis and treatment of infectious and parasitic diseases
  8. New and re-emerging infections
  9. Bacteriophages in the treatment of infectious diseases: perspectives and modern possibilities
  10. The role of microbiota in infectious and non-infectious diseases
  11. Innovative methods of treatment of chronic dermatoses
  12. Bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic diseases of skin and mucous membranes
  13. New clinical guidelines
  14. Practical genomics, proteomics and metabolomics
  15. Experimental microbiology


The Congress includes:

  • X Russian-Chinese conference on medical microbiology, immunology and pharmacology (in cooperation with the Association of Sino-Russian Medical Universities);
  • Meeting of the Federal Teaching Methodological Association (FTMA) «Health Sciences and Preventive Medicine»; section on medical microbiology;
  • Conference on medical microbiology;
  • Conference on dermatology and venereology. Session of the Head Specialist in dermatology, venereology and cosmetology of the St. Petersburg Government Health Committee;
  • Conference on clinical mycology, immunology and allergy;
  • Expert meeting of the Head specialist for clinical microbiology and antimicrobial resistance of North-Western Federal Region of the Russian Federation;
  • Scientific conference «Genetic technologies in the diagnosis of infectious diseases» for students and young scientists (up to 39 years old);
  • The Contest of scientific research of young scientists and students.


Documentation of educational activities will be submitted to the Commission on the Evaluation of Training Activities and Materials for continuing medical and pharmaceutical education (CME).

SUBMISSION deadlines:

Oral presentation

March 15, 2023

Poster presentation
Contest of scientific research of young scientists and students


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